Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hopeless in Maine

As an artist I think it is also important to promote others' work. Since I started my account on Deviant Art I have been impressed by the community of very talented people that congregate there. Some of even inspired me such as CopperAge with his use of tonal work and pencils. The piece below is excellent combination of steampunk and Lovecraftian horror that he conjured for the Steampunk World Fair held in New Jersey. The Hand of Glory Contraption is deviously inventive and imaginative.

SPWF poster finish by ~CopperAge on deviantART

What is even more impressive is that CopperAge does an online comic entitled "It's a Circle-Hopeless in Main."  Beautifully rendered and often with title pages that have borders that accentuate the page, this web comic is highly unique and very well crafted.  Having attempted an online comic before I can tell you that it is a huge sacrifice to commit your time and talent to construct and sometimes the payoff is non existent. Fortunately CopperAge has the drive and imitative to commit to such a project, that alone is enough for recognition.

Heavy on Lovecraftian influences as well as beautiful art, I highly recommend it.

Hopeless, Maine repaint by ~CopperAge on deviantART 

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